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An Apology and an Announcement

October 6, 2011

First of all, I feel I need to apologise to all my regular followers for the total lack of posts of recent, and the fact that even when I have posted, no new projects have been blogged about. I am really sorry for this, my computer’s death was partly to blame, but another reason was that I have just been really busy recently. Busy doing what you might ask. Well, busy making lots and lots of things in preparation for my stall I have at a Christmas market soon.

That’s right! I have booked a stall at the Made-It Market in Cambridge on the 26th November, and I am so so so excited! And nervous too, but I try not to feed that emotion. So, anyway, as a result of this, I have been trying to get busy making things to actually put on the 6 foot table I have booked (that’s kind of big, I’ll have to make a lot of bags to fill that space!). Having a stall and making things to actually sell, instead of just making them for friends, is great, it’s actually kind of a big deal, and it has left me in a bit of a dilema. A dilema to do with the challenge I set myself back in January to complete 111 projects in 2011. Now, if I am going to actually make a success of this market stall, I am probably going to have to make close to 100 different things to sell, so I am going to definately go over my initial target. Not a problem of course, but I think, to keep things simple, I am going to change the definition of what classifies a new project.

So, I have come up with a solution. Every time I make something new, that I’ve never made or blogged about before, that can count as a new project, even if I make 20 of them, it’s still just one new project.

Some projects you can be expecting me to blog about soon:

  • Fabric scrap baubles. I have about 80 of them, they are beautiful and I will hopefully include a tutorial when I blog about them.
  • patchwork coasters. Lots and lots of patchwork coasters.
  • Handmade lip balm, n adorable little aluminum pots.
  • Handmade soap, in the most amazing fragrances (well, my favourite fragrances anyway!)

So there you have it, a little taster of what’s to come.

Have you had a stall at a market? Do you have any helpful hints or tips or some ideas of what not to do? I am really quite nervous, excited, but nervous!

10 Comments leave one →
  1. October 6, 2011 10:41 pm

    How exciting! I’m sure you will do well, your stuff always looks so mwell finished. Good luck with it all!

  2. butterflyexperience permalink
    October 7, 2011 6:05 am

    Good luck with the market, you’ll be fab 🙂
    Also I’m looking for ideas for my craft night so shall be inspired by you up coming posts.

    I did come across a blog a while ago that gave some tips on how to do a table at a craft fair, will find and post you link

  3. October 7, 2011 10:13 am

    Well done!!!!!!

  4. butterflyexperience permalink
    October 7, 2011 1:22 pm

    Craft Fair Tips:

  5. Sadie permalink
    October 7, 2011 7:56 pm

    Ooh, shall subscribe and look forward to your future projects. The fabric scrap baubles sound especially nice.

  6. October 8, 2011 5:38 am

    Wow…this is exciting! Thanks for sharing and keep creating!

  7. October 10, 2011 9:37 am

    Hehe…what fun! It is a big deal. I do craft fairs in the run up to Christmas and sometimes in the summer in addition to my usual stall selling wool. Whilst I’m quite used to being a trader I still feel excited about doing craft fairs and they do mean a lot of work. I’m just deciding which I’ll do this year and thinking, I’m ultra busy with and ill father at the moment, that I can probably only get away with one or two unfortunately. They do take up loads of time in the preparation but it’s fun.
    I’ve looked at the craft fair link and I agree with all that was said there. Pricing is very important and you should definitely have an idea of what your sort of goods go for, check online via Etsy etc and if you can get to a craft fair or at least market beforehand to see what they’re charging that would be good. I’m totally anti undercharging and I know it can be tempting as you’re not doing it to make money, you’re just doing it to have fun, you can’t expect to charge properly for your time etc etc and I do agree with all that to an extent but undercharging just devalues your work and the work of others. So, that’s my rant over – wasn’t meant to turn into that oops. Happy making! You have inspired me to go and get on with ironing some fabric I’ve done a prewash on.

    • October 10, 2011 3:19 pm

      sosusie I loved your rant, thank you, really good advice there. I will try not to undercharge. I have been looking around in markets and on etsy for what other people charge and use that as a starting point. It was great reading your comment, and now I am all inspired to go and iron interfacing onto the eight wallet patterns I cut out last night.


  1. Project One Hundred and One: Craft Market Apron « so resourceful

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