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My Newest Hobby: Making Jewellery

November 10, 2012

Recently I have got more and more into making jewellery, and have learnt lots of new techniques and tips rom my lovely friend Sally who is a brilliant jewellery designer and owner of The Beaderie in Cambridge. Very fortunately I have also managed to secure myself a part-time job working in The Beaderie, which is probably one of the reasons I have an ever-growing stockpile of beads and findings that are beginning to rival my fabric stockpile (which is gathering dust as I type). What can I say, I am a hoarder of beautiful things!

Anyway, back to the jewellery-making! Between Sally at The Beaderie and Pinterest, my mind is overflowing with ideas and inspiration for things to make, and I am really enjoying learning so many new things and making more complex pieces as I get more adventurous.

I am not going to share all the jewellery I have made recently in this post, I want to leave some of it or other posts (possibly with tutorials so you can give it a try too), but I wanted to get the ball rolling by posting a few things.

I made a turquoise bead necklace on wire for a colleague at the job I recently resigned from, with a shambala bead at the centre. I made this specifically because this colleague (who is lovely) had commented that she didn’t have a turquoise necklace but lots o clothes in that colour.

I also bought some chain and a beautiful painted bead and a dragonfly to make this simple chain necklace that I love:

I also made a two wrap leather wrap bracelet with these irresistable mottled turquoise beads:

If you want to make your own Chan Luu style leather wrap bracelet like this I have already written a tutorial here. I recommend you give it a go if you like these bracelets, they are very simple to make!

3 Comments leave one →
  1. November 11, 2012 9:23 pm

    These are really pretty! Thanks for sharing your work. You are very talented!

  2. November 28, 2012 1:21 pm

    Gorgeous! I’ve only fairly recently got into making jewellery and I love it too 🙂 I generally do silversmithing but I ‘accidentally’ bought a load of Jasper beads a few weeks back, I think I need to get on Pinterest to get the ideas flowing for what to do with them though!

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